
Gardaí crack down on sale & supply of drugs in Roscrea

Two people have been arrested and €3,650 of drugs and cash have been seized as part of a Garda operation in Roscrea.

Operation Nest has seen multiple searches take place in the town to target the sale and supply of drugs.

It was initiated in response to a heightened level of community engagement which also corresponded with Roscrea Gardaí’s approach to Covid-19 and liaison with the public.

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On June 10th, €1,800 in cash and €200 of suspected crystal meth was discovered at a house on Carroll’s Row with the assistance from the Garda Dog Unit.

A juvenile teenager was arrested and a file is being prepared for the DPP.

On the same day, another juvenile was stopped and searched, when €150 of suspected cannabis herb was seized.

Gardai say that teenager will be dealt with under the juvenile diversion programme.

Yesterday, €1,450 of cash and €50 of suspected cannabis herb was seized when a man in his 20s was stopped and searched on the Old Dublin Road.

He was arrested, later released and a file is also being prepared for the DPP.
