
Tipperary Gardaí say they’re still being called out to reports of young people congregating

Tipperary Gardaí have had to deal with groups of young people congregating despite the restrictions in place due to Covid-19.

Teenagers have been missing out on social interaction with their peers as schools are closed.

While most are staying in touch via social media some have been meeting up with friends leading to concerns that they may be aiding the spread of the coronavirus.

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Chief Superintendent Derek Smart says members of the force have been trying to explain to teenagers and their parents of the need for social distancing:

“We have a number of calls in regards to people who are congregating around the place and anyone that we’ve met, we’ve engaged with them and we’ve gone back and talked to their parents as well just to explain the significance of them congregating in such large numbers and obviously the risks for everybody – even my own members having to deal with them.

“There’s a risk there as well when they’re going in to large groups and that. So, it’s just about this whole education piece and engaging with people and making sure they understand why these guidelines are here and the significance of them.”
