
Kelly questions pay cuts for politicians

The leader of the Labour Party says he will honour any decision to cut politicians pay during the Covid-19 pandemic.

There have been calls for TDs to take a significant reduction in salary while the coronavirus lockdown is in place.

However Tipperary TD Alan Kelly says he is not comfortable with any worker breaking away from a pay agreement.

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Speaking on Tipp Today the Portroe native also said any permanent cut in pay for elected representatives could impact on who decides to stand for election.

“We have to ensure that people who work in politics – whether it be in the Council, the Senate of the Dáil whatever that we have a fair representation of people.

“We don’t want to be going back to the days where only those with wealth, only those with money, only those with second jobs, with farms with companies are the only people who can be involved in politics.”

“That wouldn’t be a fair cross section in society and we need to ensure that people who are from a working class background, people who are PAYE or people who were previously self employed that they get a fair chance to be involved.”
