
Tipperary psychologist says information needs to be drip-fed to children at this time

Parents are being encouraged to “drip-feed” information about Covid-19 to their children by a local psychology lead.

Prinicipal Clinical Psychologist in north Tipperary, Eamonn Butler, says that parents need to set an example for the household in remaining composed during this public health crisis.

It’s almost a month since children were last inside school buildings, and Dr Butler says it remains vital that parents keep children in the loop about what’s going on around them:

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“With younger children, I think the thing is that we need to drip-feed information to them. We need to build it into our daily conversations.

“Younger children will take their lead from us. If we keep ourselves together, if the adults in the house resource each other and resource ourselves, we set the tone. We set the climate for the house.

“Our children look to us and if they see that we’re OK, they’re going to be fine.”
