
Jackie Cahill

My vision for Tipperary:

There are many issue facing rural constituencies like Tipperary.

Housing, Health and Education opportunities are issues that I feel have an enormous impact on the quality of peoples lives and sadly in these three areas there is need for huge improvement.

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I want to create policies that support rural Ireland and offer a lifeline to a rural society that is unique in modern day Europe.

I want to ensure that young people can have the choice of living and working in their own communities.

I want to help create a society that is fair, that displays a clear social conscience and where enterprise is rewarded.

I want us a nation and more importantly here in Tipperary to take advantage of the economic opportunities that Climate Change will present to us. The Bio-Economy can be to the 21st Century what oil was to the 20th and we here in Tipperary are ideally placed to benefit from that.

And ultimately I want Tipperary to take its place in the economy of this country as the Premier County and create an environment where our children and grandchildren can be proud to call themselves Tipperary men and women.

My priorities:

  • Proper Mental Health Services for Tipperary
  • Social and Affordable Housing Programme
  • Fair Social Welfare Supports.
  • Meaningful support of our Agri-Food Sector
  • Development of our School System to include an Admin day a week for teaching Principals.
  • Final Delivery of Rural Broadband
  • Support for our SMEs to allow continuing and sustainable provision of Jobs.
  • Full resource in manpower and equipment to support our Gardai.
  • A Road Works programme that restores the standard of our road network.
  • Continuing Development of our Tourism offering in Tipperary.
  • Focus on disability with appropriate supports from birth to elderly care.
  • Re-Focus on rural development to sustain our unique rural communities.
  • Hospital waiting lists must come down with a priority for our young and elderly.
  • Development of our bio-economy to help achieve our climate change targets.

My experience:

My name is Jackie Cahill, I am T.D. for Tipperary and I live in the centre of the County in Thurles.

I am 58 years of age and I was to the Dail in February 2016.

I am the Fianna Fail Spokesperson for Food, Horticulture and Forestry.
I have been in representational politics all my adult life and I have worked in, and represented the Agri Food sector during that time.

I have been President and Vice President of the ICMSA. I represented the Agri Food sector at home and abroad on Bord Bia, Ornua, formerly the Irish Dairy Board, The European Dairy Board, The National Dairy Council and The Irish Animal Welfare Council.

I was also an elected councillor for Tipperary County Council.

In the Dail just dissolved I was a member and Vice Chairman of the Dail Agriculture Committee.
