
Appeal denied for proposed motorway site

An Bord Pleanala has shot down revised plans for a site off the M8 near Cahir.

John O’Leary had already gotten permission to develop a small restaurant along with parking for trucks and cars at Scartnaglorane on the Cork side of the town.

The site in question is 2 kilometres south of Cahir off the M8.

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It’s been the subject of a number of planning applications to Tipperary County Council and appeals to An Bord Pleanala since it was acquired by John O’Leary some years ago.

Permission was granted in 2010 for a restaurant along with parking for 27 trucks and 18 cars with a subsequent extension of duration approved until 2021.

The current proposal is to augment this to include 22 caravan or camper bays with a building to include showers, toilets and wash facilities, electric car parking bays and the inclusion of overnight accommodation.

This was refused by Tipperary County Council who cited traffic safety concerns as one of the reasons not to grant permission.

The refusal was appealed to An Board Pleanala claiming that the revised plans did not represent a significant intensity in the overall development permitted in 2010. John O’Leary also felt the planning authority’s decision to refuse relied heavily on the failed planning history rather than examining the merits of the current proposal.

The state planning appeals board has now ruled in the council’s favour refusing permission for the expanded plans.
