
Tipp Nursing Home approved by HIQA

A Tipperary nursing home has been given a generally clean bill of health by HIQA.

The Health Information and Quality Authority carried out an unannounced inspection at the Ashlawn Nursing Home near Nenagh.

The inspection took place last February with HIQA publishing the report this month

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Of the 21 regulations checked Ashlawn Nursing Home at Carrigatoher was found to be compliant in 15 and substantially compliant in 4 other areas.

The HIQA inspector reported non-compliance in two categories – personal possessions and fire precautions.

While fire drills were being carried out concerns were raised that the records didn’t provide assurances that residents could be safely evacuated in a timely manner in the event of a fire – a new risk management has been put in place following discussions with the HIQA inspector.

With regard to personal possessions the issue related to the systems in place to ensure the safe return of laundered clothing to residents. The inspector found that some items of personal clothing in the laundry were not labelled – management at Ashlawn Nursing Home say the identification system for resident’s clothing has since been updated.

There were 46 residents in the Nursing Home at the time of the inspection. Those that the HIQA inspector talked to spoke highly of the service and care provided.
