
Conflicting reports on status of St Patrick’s Hospital

There have been conflicting reports on the status of the works at St Patrick’s Hospital in Cashel.

The HSE has responded to queries from two Tipperary politicians on the matter – however, the responses are somewhat contradictory.

There had been some concerns that the works at St Patrick’s Hospital in Cashel would not be completed by the end of 2021 as was originally projected, due to the overrun at the National Children’s Hospital.

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However, Cashel based Cllr Tom Wood has received assurances from the HSE that the Architect and Quantity Surveyors have been appointed to the Design Team – while the appointment of the Services Engineers and the Structural Engineers is underway and will be completed shortly.

Cllr Wood says this is a positive development…

However, FF Deputy Jackie Cahill also received a response from the HSE on the matter, which doesn’t specify a completion date for the project.

It also states that the HSE and the Department of Health are in discussions in relation to the impact of the cost over run at the National Children’s Hospital on the Capital Plan – which Saint Patrick’s in Cashel comes under.

That also wasn’t mentioned in the reply to Cllr Tom Wood.

Deputy Cahill has said this indicates that there are doubts about the time frame of the completion of the work…
