
Fallout continues from the latest defection from Sinn Féin in Tipperary

Thurles Councillor David Doran announced he was stepping down from the party last week – the second local representative to leave the party during the term of the council.

He cited disagreements with the Sinn Féin on key issues as the reason for his decision to resign from the party.

Reference was made to rogue elements within Sinn Féin – something which Nenagh Councillor Seamie Morris also hinted at when he stepped away from the party.

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Sinn Féin whip on Tipperary County Council Martin Browne told Fran Curry on Tipp Today earlier that he knew of no such problem.

The selection convention for the next General Election was one of the main bones of contention when Ciara McCormack was chosen as the party candidate in the Tipp constituency.

Councillor Martin Browne admits there was fallout from the direction from headquarters that a female candidate had to be selected.
