
Numbers signing on continue to fall in Tipperary

There were almost 1,500 less people signing on in Tipperary in December compared to the same month in 2017.

New figures released by the CSO show that in December there were just over 8,000 people on the Live Register in the Premier County.

Year on year, there’s been a significant decrease in numbers signing on in each of the 8 social welfare offices in Tipperary.

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At the end of last month there were 8,043 people in the county on the Live Reg – that’s down from just over 9,500 in December 2017.

Thurles experienced the largest drop in the last 12 months, with 277 fewer people in receipt of social welfare.

In the south of the county the biggest decrease was in Clonmel – where 238 people have found employment in the last 12 months.

However, there’s been an increase from November’s figures overall in the Premier county, with an additional 189 people signing on last month.

199,669 people were on the Live Register nationally at the end of 2018.

That’s a decrease of 15.5 per cent over the last year – with Tipperary close to the national average.

The number of people long-term unemployed is also dropping – it fell by more than 33% last month compared to December 2016.
