
HIQA publish details of inspection at Tipp nursing home

The inspection at a Cashel nursing home found that a number of improvements are required.

However inspectors reported that patients with dementia at St. Teresa’s Nursing Home appeared to be well cared for.

The focus of the Health Information and Quality Authority inspection at St Teresa’s was on the care of residents with dementia.

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Inspectors noted that there had been some improvements in the centre with most of the actions from a previous inspection in April of last year satisfactorily completed or in the process of being completed.

However a number of improvements were still required including in the overall monitoring and documentation.

The inspector met with residents and staff members and tracked the journey of a number of residents with dementia within the service.

St Teresa’s does not have a separate unit for people with dementia – at the time of the inspection there were 12 residents living in the centre with a formal diagnosis with a number of other residents suspected of having dementia.

Overall, the inspector found St Teresa’s Nursing Home was committed to providing a good quality service for residents with dementia. While improvements were required in relation to care planning documentation, the inspector found that residents’ healthcare needs were met and they had access to appropriate medical and allied healthcare services.

The HIQA inspector found that residents at the home on Friar Street appeared to be well cared for with positive feedback from them regarding all aspects of life in the centre.
