
Rent rate change in Tipperary to affect thousands in council housing

People in local authority housing in Tipperary have been reacting to the news that their rent rates are set to change.

The 9 separate Differential Rent Schemes in the county are being merged into one – with new rates coming into effect from July 2nd.

Many people across the Premier say they are facing major hikes.

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Deputy Mattie McGrath there, who says he has been inundated with concerned renters this weekend.

Sinead Carr, Director of Housing at Tipperary County Council, told elected members at this month’s full meeting that the rates in local authority housing, and for those in receipt of HAP or RAS funding, were set to change.

The rent schemes across the county are being merged into one – the minimun rent will be 20 euro per week across the board, with 140 euro the maximum – all of which is income based.

However, many people getting in touch with Tipp FM today say they were informed on Friday that they are facing into huge increases.

Independent Cllr Seamie Morris is furious about the hike…

8000 forms were sent to renters so the council’s housing department could recalculate the amount they now owe.

15% of forms were not returned, ands these tenants will be subject to maximum rent from July 2nd until they return their forms.

Councillors are now questioning the amalgamation of rents – and why they weren’t properly consulted about the roll out of a new scheme.

Independent Deputy Mattie McGrath also says he’s been contacted by numerous concerned families and individuals who’s rents are now set to rise.

He says Tipperary County Council have a lot to answer for…

One woman affected by a hike in rent is Jo from Nenagh.

She’s in receipt of HAP – and as a single income family she says they struggle to make ends meat.

When she initially went on the scheme the Council’s Housing Department told her 77 euro was the most she’d have to pay HAP per week, but that’s now increased to 112.

On top of that, she also has to pay a sum of just under 200 euro to her landlord every month to ensure the rent is met.

Jo says her family will have to go without certain groceries to ensure the larger bill is paid…

Cllr Jim Ryan is on the Housing Committee of the council, and says while they were told a rent review would take place – that isn’t out of the ordinary.

He says if this was the private sector there would be uproar…
