
Closure order for West Tipp food outlet

A takeaway restaurant in West Tipperary is one of 11 businesses served with closure orders by the Food Safety Authority in May.

Rock Kebab and Pizza, at 101 Main Street, Cashel, was issued a closure order under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 2010.

In its report the FSAI lists a number of issues, which include unexplained accumulations of water in a number of areas, one of which is on the
floor beside pizza boxes; some foods with no labelling or indication of shelf life; and curry sauce being stored and reheated in a pot congealed with old food.

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Other restaurants across the country were ordered to close for various breaches including dead mice being found on the premises, a cockroach infestation and due to the discovery of rat droppings and urine.
