
Gardai investigating incident of horse cruelty in Clonmel

The issue of animal cruelty has come to the fore in Tipperary yet again with the circulation of a video taken in Clonmel last evening.

The recording taken by a passing motorists shows two young men beat, drag and throw stones at a small horse that had collapsed.

The video which was taken by a passing motorist in the Heywood road area of Clonmel yesterday afternoon shows 2 young men on a sulky with a small shetland type horse.

The horse collapses during the course of the video and the young men are seen to drag, punch and throw rocks at the young horse in an effort to move it.

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A third man then approaches and attempts to stop the motorist from recording the incident and appears to try to damage their car.

The video end with the small horse being dragged lifeless from the road side.

The video has been circulating on social media with widespread revulsion at the treatment of the animal.

Gardai in Clonmel say they are investigating.
