
HSE: No threat to Cashel rehab unit

The HSE say they have no plans to remove the Rehabilitation Unit in Cashel.

Concerns have been expressed in recent weeks that the lack of adequate medical cover could pose a threat to the facility at St Patrick’s Hospital.

The hospital provides residential, rehabilitation and respite care to older adults in the South Tipperary area.

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The rehabilitation unit there temporarily suspended admissions on April 24th last due to the failure of the HSE to fill the vacant Medical Officer Post.

Local County Councillor Tom Wood raised the issue at the most recent meeting of the Regional Health Forum of which he is a member.

The HSE response says the post was advertised on three separate occasions. On one occasion there were no applicants whilst on the other two the successful candidates decided not to accept the job.

General Practitioners – including those who have retired in the past 3 years – have been contacted to see whether they would be in a position to provide cover.

A new Medical Officer is to take up the post on 1st June next though the HSE acknowledges that locum cover for the Medical Officer will continue to prove challenging.

Chief Officer for South East Community Healthcare Aileen Colley says the HSE does not intend or plan to remove the Rehabilitation Unit from Cashel.

The National Capital Plan includes the replacement of St Patrick’s Hospital.
