
Tipperary County Council statement

Severe Weather Alert Update – Tipperary
Saturday 3rd March 2018 14.00 hours
Severe Weather Management Team
The team convened today at 13.00 hours and will remain in contact throughout the next 24/48 hours, if necessary;
Current Situation
Some snow is still falling across the county; Widespread treacherous surfaces are expected due to ice and lying snow. Rain will begin to spread from the south today and this will start the melting process with potential flooding.
“Status Orange” weather alert still in place for Tipperary, valid from 06.00 hrs Saturday 3rd March until 18.00 Saturday 3rd March 2018.
It is emphasised that conditions are and will remain very difficult and dangerous and the public are advised not to travel, TO KEEP OFF THE ROADS AND TO CONTINUE TO EXERCISE HIGH LEVELS OF CAUTION for their own safety in the extreme cold, accumulated snow and icy conditions underfoot;
The message remains to keep off the roads. It will take some time to get all roads open again and people can assist the response effort by avoiding travel and should listen for local updates on road conditions;
Snow Plough and Gritting Routes
Snow plough and salting operations commenced on all priority National and Regional routes this morning at 07.30 hours and over 900km will be ploughed and salted by this evening.
All Outdoor crew currently mobilised around the county since 08.00 hours and working to clear footpaths in the major urban centres and villages throughout the day; Attention will then focus on local primary routes linking villages to the regional routes and all local roads;
The Motorway network is open with both lanes on the M7 and M8 operational;
All National and the majority of Regional routes within the county are passable with the exception of the following routes which are currently being worked on at present;
R497 – Nenagh/Dolla/Milestone
R494 – Ballina/Portroe/Nenagh
R493 – Puckane/Carrigahorig
R438 – Borrisokane/Athlone
The Council’s Civil Defence crews have been operational since 07.00 hours providing transport support to the HSE;
Keep Informed:
Tipperary County Council’s emergency contact number continues to be manned our “Out of Hours” call management service which will continue to take calls on 1890 923 948.
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Resumption of normal Services
All of Tipperary County Council’s public offices and normal services will resume on Monday 5th March at 09.30 hours.