
No comment from Tipp Garda Chief on fake breath tests

Pressure is mounting on Tipperary’s Garda Chief Superintendent following the revelations about bogus breath test figures for the county.

Catherine Keogh, Chief Superintendent of the Tipperary division, has refused to comment on the latest revelation that breath test figures in Tipperary were exaggerated by 385%.

This means 184,000 breath tests, which were recorded as having taken place in the county, never happened.

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These figures were reached by comparing the number of breath tests recorded on the Pulse system with the number recorded on the test devices.

Tipp FM has contacted Thurles Garda station and requested a comment from Chief Superintendent Keogh – a spokesperson from her office said that she would not be making any comment, and referred to the national statement issued by the Garda Commissioner.

The Commissioner’s statement says that the failures within the force “are completely unacceptable” and An Garda Síochána must now “take responsibility for ensuring this cannot happen again.”

But when asked for a comment specifically on the Tipperary figures, a spokesperson from Catherine Keogh’s office said she would not be commenting.

Tom Finnan, who is the Garda Representative Association representative for Tipperary, also said they are waiting to see the report in full, as they are interested to know how the figures were compiled.

He also says they’re seeking further clarification as to who conducted the report and that the GRA will comment on the figures after next weeks Central Executive Committee Meeting.
