
Time running out on Brexit negotiations

Time is running out on Brexit negotiations, according to the Taoiseach.

Leo Varadkar has made his first trip to Northern Ireland as Taoiseach and has called on people to build bridges, not borders.

The Taoiseach has been quoting former MP Willie Redmond as he called politicians north and south to work together on Brexit.

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In a strong speech in Belfast Leo Varadkar also reiterated the importance of the EU to Ireland.

The Taoiseach also said if the UK does insist on exiting the customs union, then a special deal could be reached.

He suggested an EU-UK customs union, similar to the deal in place with Turkey.

Though TD Richard Boyd Barrett has suggested the problem with Brexit isn’t economic issues

The Taoiseach said there can’t be a return to borders of the past.

His party colleague Noel Rock today entirely dismissing the suggestion from the DUP’s Jeffrey Donaldson that electronic tagging could be used on the border, in a similar system to electric tolls on motorways.

Much of Leo Varadkar’s speech can be seen as a direct challenge to the DUP and Sinn Féin to get their act together and re-start the power sharing government in the north

His attendance at a breakfast for Belfast Pride tomorrow is also likely to ruffle a few feathers among the DUP, who are staunchly anti gay marriage.

The Taoiseach will meet with Arlene Foster and other northern Irish political leaders this afternoon.
