
Tipperary speed limits set to change

The speed limit on the old N8 will be raised to 100kph all the way from Cashel to Urlingford from September.

New bye-laws have been agreed by Tipperary County Council and will come into effect for local and regional roads from the 11th of September.

Councillors had been campaigning for the change because they felt drivers were being caught speeding unfairly where the speed limit dropped to 80kph on certain sections of the old N8.

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Sinn Fein’s David Doran says he doesn’t want to see any more penalty points being dished out before the change comes in.

Speed limits in housing estates all around the Premier County will also drop from 50 to 30-kilometres an hour under the new bye-laws.

Putting up all the new signs in more than 500 estates and on the roadsides is one of the main reasons why the changes won’t take effect until September.

But Independent Councillor Jim Ryan says this will help make life safer on the roads.
