
Mushroom facility reaches planning stage

Plans for a mushroom compost production facility in mid-Tipp have been lodged with Tipperary County Council.

If given the green light the project would provide a significant jobs boost for the area.

The mushroom industry in Ireland has been facing difficulties since the UK’s decision to leave the EU with a number of Tipperary producers being forced to close.

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Despite this Commercial Mushroom Producers have chosen to go ahead with plans for a major project near Moyne.

The co-op has lodged a planning application for the development of a compost production facility at Killoran with Tipperary County Council.

It would include the construction of an 8,400 square metre storage building, a bunker building stretching to almost 10,000 square metres and a tunnel building of over 10,000 square metres.

CMP – which is a co-operative made up of a number of operations across the country – hope to create in the region of 60 jobs if the project gets off the ground.

The company has already engaged with local residents about their plans with a number of meetings taking place before the planning application was lodged.

A decision is due from the planning authority by June 20th next.
